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  • News: NCART; Philips; HR 7676

    …new executive director. Grau will begin his new role in August. Grau comes to the coalition with a long line of industry credentials and was highly recommended by key players…

  • News: Grau; BOC Award; Pride VP

    Grau Set For NCART Post AMHERST, N.Y. – The National Coalition For Assistive & Rehab Technology (NCART) Board of Directors has tapped August 1 as the date that CRT industry

  • News: ResMed; Oxygen; Golden

    …with all our products. “The GP164 BuzzAbout power wheelchair ushers in the next level of power wheelchair options across the home health care industry and has been enthusiastically received by…

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    …your peers, experts and associations. Don’t miss the Welcome to Dallas Reception, Stand up for Homecare, or Consultant Cocktail Hour! Learn more >> LATEST NEWS Physician Practices Dispensing DME To…

  • If You Missed Medtrade East, You Missed A Lot

    …an account manager for HME News since 1994, may not be tracking the industry’s fate as closely as she once did. Reed retired at this year’s Medtrade East, ending a…

  • Kerry Tyler Brings Experience, Enthusiasm To New Role

    …team I would be working with. Medtrade Monday: What about the HME industry appealed to you? Tyler: HME is a special industry that brings together purpose and passion for providing…

  • CRT Sales Tax Exemption Bill Sails Though Washington Senate

    …background paper for more information. PAMES Looks North The CRT sales tax win isn’t the only big news from PAMES this week. Here’s their hot-off-the-presses update on the expansion of…