DALLAS – As the editor of Medtrade Monday, I have covered every Medtrade since 2010. As a journalist in the industry, it goes back to around 2000 BCB (before competitive bidding).
Even as competitive bidding started to bludgeon the industry and bad PR dominated headlines, HME providers soldiered on with a smile. Exhibitors supported the show and attendees doggedly pursued knowledge, networking, and new products.
Fast forward to 2024 and conditions are still not “perfect”, but optimism is unmistakably high. I know because I ask. I troll the halls, the educational sessions, and the show floor with a fairly general inquiry; How’s the show going for you? The answers I found last week were relentlessly positive. Next week I’ll share a collection of those quotes.
It seems as if the “good old days are now” or at least they are squarely on the horizon. The vast majority of exhibitors told me they were happy with foot traffic. It seemed like more people than last year and the attendance statistics confirmed a nearly 25% qualified attendee jump over last year’s show.
The much-hyped demographic wave is coming. It is inevitable. Providers are feeling it, manufacturers are gearing up for it, and industry experts are educating providers about how to fully take advantage.
I saw a lot of hugs, smiles, and unbridled enthusiasm. People like face-to-face trade shows because they are the best way to corral that most precious of commodities—inspiration. Zoom is nice, but is it inspiring? You need real human connection for that.
In case you missed the news, Medtrade will be returning to Dallas next year. This time the show is scheduled for Feb. 18-20, 2025 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Meanwhile, if you have a suggestion for Medtrade Monday, feel free to send an e-mail: [email protected]
Greg Thompson is editor of Medtrade Monday.