Joint Ventures With Hospitals – Concrete Steps to Take

December 2, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – In light of competitive bidding, audits and recoupments, it is natural for the DME industry to feel that it is under siege. Under the heading of “misery loves company,” other health care sectors feel the same way. Phy

Take Advantage of Early Bird Registration Rates All Month Long

December 2, 2013
LAS VEGAS – Early bird registration for Medtrade Spring is officially open, and those who register now will see substantial savings. Early bird rates end December 31, 2013. Click here to register. Medtrade Spring takes place March 10-12 (Monday to

Medtrade Spring 2014 Offers Solutions to Build and Grow

December 2, 2013
LAS VEGAS – Medtrade Spring starts in about three months, but hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees are already making plans to head to the Nevada desert for the March 10-12 show. 

A series of in-depth workshops (see full list

FODAC Can-A-Thon Ends in Three Days

December 2, 2013
STONE MOUNTAIN, GA – Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) has been designated as an official collection site for the 2013 11Alive Can-A-Thon. Donors are invited to bring canned goods and other non-perishable food items to FODAC’s c

Scientist Uncovers New Problem Areas for OSA

November 25, 2013
SYDNEY, AUS – Anatomy, weight, and age may not be the only OSA culprits, according to Australian scientist Danny Eckert and his team. New research in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (click here for abstract) uncov

Waiver of Copayments – What You Can and Cannot Do

November 25, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – These are strange times. The DME industry, as we know it today, is about 30 years old. We are a young industry; in our formative years we had very little guidance from the HCFA (now CMS). Capitol Hill and HCFA/CMS did not underst