ATLANTA – Happy new year to all Medtrade and Medtrade Spring attendees, and to those who may be pondering show attendance in 2018. It’s hard to believe 2017 is behind us, but here we are.
Last year was incredibly challenging for HME providers. Low reimbursement, driven by competitive bidding rates, is still with us and it’s not going away. Yes, there was some relief from CURES legislation for rural providers, but the majority of providers are still feeling the heat.
Just holding the line will likely take all the expertise that AAHomecare has at its disposal. As in years past, Medtrade continues to contribute significant dollars to the association, and we are firmly in their corner as they fight the good fight in 2018.
The elevation of Tom Price to HHS secretary was exhilarating, and his resignation was equally disheartening. It’s tempting to shake our heads in regret, but really, a new year always represents new opportunity.
Part of that opportunity lies in caretailing/retailing, but traditional payers are still paying the bills if companies have volume and ruthless efficiency. How do you learn what it takes to be so ruthlessly efficient? How do you find the caretailing products that can boost your cash sales? How do you know what caretailing mistakes to avoid? Medtrade Spring and Medtrade are the places to go find this type of knowledge, and to find products for caretailing and traditional reimbursement.
Almost as important, the act of going to a trade show is an opportunity to focus all day on the business. The key difference is that all this focus takes place away from the business. The old “forest for the trees” cliché applies. Medtrade Spring and Medtrade represent the view from the drone. If you don’t go, you don’t get the new perspective. Even worse, you don’t get the all-important inspiration.
If you’re looking to reboot your business, and get inspired, I encourage you to attend Medtrade Spring, scheduled for March 27-29, 2018, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Early registration rates are still in effect. Click Here for more information. Again, happy new year, and I look forward to seeing you at Medtrade Spring 2018.
Kevin Gaffney is group show director, Medtrade Spring and Medtrade.