ATLANTA – On Jan 1, 2019, any willing provider will be able to participate in the Medicare program, regardless of prior bidding “wins” or losses. What should providers do? Educational advisory board (EAB) members at Medtrade will outline all of the options, possible actions, and consequences in a new educational track dubbed “The New Competitive Bidding.”
Medtrade is little more than a month away, but EAB members responded quickly to install the new track in an effort to help attendees deal with the so-called “gap period,” which could last up to 18 months. “If you are considering a dive back into Medicare when the gap period starts on Jan 1, 2019, Medtrade is the ideal place to learn literally everything about your options,” says Kevin Gaffney, group show director. “Our EAB has responded quickly with a brand new track, sponsored by the law firm of Brown & Fortunato.”
The special educational track of five sessions features: Jeffrey S. Baird, JD, Brown & Fortunato; Mark Higley, VGM; Cara Bachenheimer (pictured), Brown & Fortunato; Kim Brummett, AAHomecare; and Todd Moody, Brown & Fortunato.
The track is available to all attendees who purchase an educational conference pass. Come hear what the experts have to say about the CMS proposal, industry recommendations, and next steps.
“The track will address: (i) a historical view of CB and how CB so quickly ‘went off the rails;’ (ii) meaningful changes to CB contained in the anticipated Final Rule; (iii) how reimbursement will be set under the anticipated Final Rule; and (iv) practical steps to submit a bid,” says Baird. “In addition, the track will have an interactive question and answer session with industry CB experts.”
Click Here for an extended article by Jeff Baird that outlines more reasons for the new track.
Register for Medtrade 2018.