WASHINGTON, D.C. – AAHomecare is conducting a nationwide survey on the impact of the expired Medicare fee-for-service 75/25 blended rate for non-bid/non-rural areas on the HME community and Medicare patients’ access to medically necessary equipment. The survey is open through Friday, July 19. All HME suppliers who serve patients in non-rural/non-bid areas are encouraged to participate.
Your responses will provide data to help HME advocates make the case on Capitol Hill and with CMS for extending 75/25 rates that were rescinded on January 1, 2024.
“AAHomecare and other HME stakeholders continue to push for legislation to restore the 75/25 blended rates suppliers in non-bid, non-rural areas, and we want to strengthen our advocacy with state-specific data,” said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare president & CEO. “Your responses will help us share a clearer picture on how the January 1 cuts are challenging HME suppliers and threatening access to care.”
“We need to let Congress know our pain points, and we need to make it clear what’s at stake if we don’t get this relief soon,” added Ryan.
State-specific information on the impact of these cuts has been requested by Capitol Hill and will bolster efforts to include restoring 75/25 blended rates in healthcare or omnibus legislative packages later this year.
The brief survey asks if your company serves Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in non-bid, non-rural areas. If your answer is “yes” on that first question, you will be asked to share impacts on your business and patients stemming from the cuts. The survey also seeks information on how these cuts have impacted other payer rates that are influenced by Medicare rates in some areas.
Please note: all data supplied will only be shared in aggregate as state and national figures. Company-specific or identifiable information is strictly confidential and will not be shared.
The survey is open through Friday, July 19; please share it with other HME suppliers and encourage them to participate. Contact Stephanie Legree at [email protected] with any questions.