ATLANTA – While there is justifiable excitement about Medtrade 2023 in Dallas, it should also be said that organizers are not taking their eyes off the ball when it comes to 2022. Far from looking ahead, the crew at Emerald is looking to maximize what could be the final show in Atlanta, at least for the foreseeable future.
For those who despise the walk to Building C, well you guessed it; We finally have access to Building A for the Oct. 24-26, 2022 show at the Georgia World Congress Center. Those of you who crave the workout and look forward to walking to Building C are still welcome to make the trip for old time’s sake and then double back to Building A. That may sound like a joke, but I’ve encountered attendees who relish the steps, all dutifully recorded by the Fitness Watch.
Such optimism from attendees is not rare. After taking over Medtrade Monday 13 years ago, I’ve spoken with hundreds of Medtrade attendees and probably 90% of attendees are glad they made the trip. There may be a bias to “tell me what I want to hear” and I accept that as a variable. However, when pressed as to the crucial why, the reasons come out.
The bottom line is that virtually all attendees find at least one takeaway from every show that makes the time, effort, and money worthwhile. Sometimes that nugget of knowledge comes from a vendor or educational presenter, but just as often it comes from a chance encounter in the hall with a colleague. Medtrade may well be the only place where that happens. After all, you don’t pal around with your competitors, but at Medtrade the free flow of ideas, motivation, and inspiration is everywhere.
Those types of intangibles are difficult to put a price tag on, but are they worth it? In the end, inspiration is everything and it can lead to better business, job satisfaction, and a sense of optimism. Early Rates are now in effect for Medtrade East, and we look forward to seeing you there. After that, we hope you make the trip the Lone Star State in 2023. These are exciting times and we look forward to fueling that excitement.
Greg Thompson is editor of Medtrade Monday.