PECOS is in Effect and AAHomecare Can Help

January 6, 2014
WASHINGTON, DC – Effective Jan 6, 2014, CMS will turn on the edits to deny Part B DME claims that fail the ordering/referring provider edits. AAHomecare’s Jan 10 webinar will review what providers need to know about the 2014 PECOS implementat

Selling Assets and Transferring Patient Files – What HIPAA Requires

December 30, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – Competitive bidding is ill conceived and illogical on many different levels. In my mind, the most illogical (and unfair) component of competitive bidding is that fact that a DME supplier can never plan ahead for more than three y

Taking Over Oxygen Patients From a DME Supplier That Shuts its Doors

December 23, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – The DME industry is caught in the “perfect storm” of competitive bidding, stringent documentation requirements, lower reimbursement, and aggressive post-payment audits and prepayment reviews. These factors are causing a numbe

How Non-Contract Suppliers Can Enter the Competitive Bidding Arena

December 16, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – Competitive bidding is a deeply flawed program. Until we can eliminate or modify CB, we are stuck with it.  For those suppliers that are stuck without a CB contract, there are options for you.  Let’s assume that ABC M

Working With a Physician in a Rural Area: The Stark Rural Provider Exception

December 9, 2013
AMARILLO, TX – The federal Stark physician self-referral law prohibits a physician from making a referral to an entity for the provision of Medicare-covered designated health services (“DHS”) if the referring physician (or an immediate fami

Medicare Audits Deny Wheelchairs for 22 Severely Disabled Nashville Area Patients

December 9, 2013
GOODLETTSVILLE, TN – Medicare is taking back more than $200,000 it paid for complex rehabilitation wheelchairs that were delivered to 22 severely disabled Nashville area patients, leaving a local company in the red and questioning Medicare’s