ATLANTA – Do any of you remember the days of gas station attendants? For those of you who do not, you are so young, and you really missed out. You youngsters think that everything is greater since the microwave, cell phones, and the Internet—well maybe they are just a little bit.
But contrary to what some believe about the old days, we really did have some good things. The gas station attendant (or attendants) would encircle your car when you pulled up to the pump. The attendant in charge would come to your window and ask, or sometimes not even ask, how much gas you wanted. For the most part you would say “Fill er Up.”
By the way, the other attendants were checking tire pressure, oil, and even cleaning your windshield. This was referred to as a full service station. Wow. I miss that. Actually, one of my first jobs was as a gas station attendant for an independent station called Transit…what memories.
Over time, the Full Service Station began to decline and gas stations would have service islands that were either self-serve or full-service. If you pulled up to the full service, you actually paid a little bit more for your gas.
So what are you filling up with these days? Regular or Premium? We have an opportunity this Fall, specifically Oct 21-23, 2019, to converge on Atlanta Georgia, for the annual Medtrade show. This is where our industry gets to Fill Er Up. Right now SmartSaver rates available, so the money excuse is erased.
Medtrade is truly a time to Fill Er Up, make that last push for the year, and plan for 2020. It’s our chance to fill up on knowledge, inspiration, and product ideas. Just like a car, if you don’t fill up, you run out of gas and ultimately stop moving.
We all know that you can self serve today, but there is nothing like getting the full service that we all need, and for me, especially in the Fall, Medtrade is the place I want to Fill Er Up.
Ty Bello is president of Team@Work, Spencerville, Indiana.