WASHINGTON, D.C. – AAHomecare and HME advocates continue to press Capitol Hill to extend the 75/25 blended rate for non-CBA, non-rural suppliers through 2024. We have received intelligence that this relief is well-positioned to be included in government funding legislation that is slated for consideration by Jan. 19 and remain actively engaged in shoring up support for the 75/25 measure.
However, negotiations are ongoing, and there is not a clear path yet for passage of the Medicare extenders relief component. AAHomcare members should reach out to the Hill in support of the 75/25 relief and remind members of Congress that the cut is now in effect.
See our Dec. 13 alert for guidance on reaching out directly to your legislators. Advocates have also sent nearly 2,000 letters of support using our Voter Voice advocacy system – you can add your voice here, and please share that link with your colleagues and contacts. Your advocacy, through emails to Senators, Representatives, and their healthcare staffers, as well as follow-ups on meetings from our September and November virtual fly-ins, continues to make a difference.
Broad Impact
Extending the 75/25 blended rate will not only benefit non-CBA, non-rural suppliers, but will also bolster Medicaid rates in states that use them as a guideline, as well for TRICARE and MCO/private payers who are influenced by Medicare rates. Extending these rates will also reinforce the message to CMS that a longer-term, market-based solution for the full scope of Medicare rate-making for HME is critically needed.