ATLANTA – A glance at the top of today’s Medtrade Monday confirms what we have been hinting at for a few weeks. SmartSaver rates (once known as “early bird” rates) are finally here. SmartSaver Rates last 18 days, officially ending on Friday, June 29. Under SmartSaver rates, an Expo-only pass costs $25; a Conference pass costs $109 and includes full access to the Expo floor.
Medtrade is scheduled for Oct 15-17, 2018, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, and now is the time to consider making the trip down south. For many years, Medtrade was largely populated by repeat visitors. Those faces are always welcome back, but these days we see many first-time attendees who come for inspiration, new product ideas, and valuable educational tips.
SmartSaver rates last 18 days, ending on Friday, June 29. It’s enough time to ponder a trip that could transform the rest of your 2018, and give you a running start when 2019 rolls around.
The fact that you are on track to survive until 2019 is a credit to your tenacity. People who make the trip to Medtrade are undoubtedly the survivors and the thrivers, so you will be in good company. Competitive bidding has driven so many providers out of business, and the ones who are still around need that sense of unity, drive, inspiration, and product selection that can only be had by getting out of the office and experiencing the nation’s largest HME-focused trade show.
If you’ve been to Medtrade, but never attended the educational sessions, this may be the time to dive into the full experience. Our surveys tell us that you don’t want sessions that are “too basic,” and still other respondents don’t want sessions that are “too complex.” The good news is that you can choose educational sessions based on their level of complexity, and find the one that is right for you.
Your success has always been our success, and 2018 is no different. As an industry, we are all looking to turn the proverbial corner. We know that the “good old days” are not coming back, at least not in full bloom. And yet, whenever something is lost, something is also inevitably gained.
Whether it’s due to hard-won experience, business savvy, or even naivete, you are still here. Medtrade is still here, and we are in it for the long haul. You have the right mindset, and so do we. Join us in Atlanta and take advantage of the lowest SmartSaver rates. I look forward to seeing you there.
Kevin Gaffney is group show director, Medtrade.