LAS VEGAS – It’s late January, the New England Patriots are once again preparing for a trip to the Super Bowl, and providers across the country are considering their attendance at Medtrade Spring. With significant reimbursement pressures continuing, alongside an expanding regulatory and audit burden, it’s as easy as ever to simply not attend and chalk it up to a few dollars and hours saved. I would submit that it’s at precisely these times that attendance is most critical.
The challenges faced by providers today will not be overcome in a vacuum. Finding new and innovative ways to operate is rarely accomplished alone in an office. The value in Medtrade Spring is getting together with peers to discuss how the best and brightest are meeting the challenges presented by an exceptionally difficult operating environment.
By listening to other providers and industry consultants review what’s working and what’s not working across the country, you will learn how to operate a better business. You will hear from leading manufacturers about the things they are seeing and hearing across the marketplace. It’s an opportunity to collaborate and listen with industry leaders, away from the office, completely focused on the strategies, tactics, and initiatives that will drive business success in 2017 and beyond.
Medtrade Spring is further an opportunity to hear from industry legislative leaders like AAHomecare, VGM, and The MED Group. Given the changeover in the Presidential administration, there are more opportunities than ever to mobilize the industry toward meaningful legislative and regulatory change. Representative Tom Price, who understands the value of HME, is in the process of being installed as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Federal agency that oversees the Medicare program.
Medtrade Spring is the place to be to learn more about what a Tom Price HHS Department might look like (if he is confirmed), what legislative initiatives are forthcoming, and how industry participants can mobilize together to assist with driving rational policies from Medicare and the Federal Government at large.
I will participate in two separate panel discussions on the industry; focused on smart business strategies, strategic planning, and operational improvements. I am hopeful for a robust crowd and thoughtful dialogue amongst panelists and attendees alike. I consistently find the level of engagement and insight at Medtrade and Medtrade Spring to be stimulating and inspiring, and I expect no different this year.
Spending money and time away from the office aren’t easy right now, but they are necessary. I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas, and I hope you will add your voice to the crowd as we all prepare for an exciting 2017.
Gary Sheehan, MBA is president and CEO of Cape Medical Supply (, @CapeMedical), a New England-based provider of sleep therapy, orthopedic bracing, home oxygen and DME. He will be leading a panel on strategic planning on Monday 2/27 at 2:15 PST (South Seas J) and will join a business operations panel lead by VGM’s Mark Higley on Tuesday 2/28 at 2:45 PST (South Seas G). You can find him on twitter at @gmsheehan or reach him via email at [email protected].