WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, CMS announced the removal of certificates of medical necessity (CMNs) and DME information forms (DIFs) starting with claims with a date of service on and after 1/1/23. This announcement comes after several conversations between CMS and AAHomecare on the intent of the oxygen NCD revisions and direction on the oxygen CMN itself.
In the proposed decision memo for Home Use of Oxygen and Home Oxygen Use to Treat Cluster Headaches, CMS proposed to remove the oxygen CMN requirement noting that CMNs are no longer needed for claims processing purposes. CMS subsequently finalized the proposal in September. However, DME MACs have not moved forward on the removal of the CMN citing they needed additional direction from CMS on the change. Last week’s announcement provided much needed clarification for all stakeholders.
The CMN has been an antiquated documentation requirement that is no longer needed, and AAHomecare has been a strong advocate of removing the CMN requirement for many years. Removal of the CMNs and DIFs will reduce burden and paperwork for many suppliers, especially oxygen suppliers.
Although AAHomecare supports CMS’ direction to remove the CMN, we still have concerns about the lack of objective documentation requirements that would be used to support a patient’s medical need. AAHomecare will continue to advocate for reasonable documentation requirements that will protect patient and supplier communities.
Suppliers should note that the CMNs and DIFs are still required through the end of this year. CMS will be publishing additional information on this upcoming change soon.