WASHINGTON, DC – The Stand Up for Homecare Reception/Fundraiser is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 28, from 5:30-7:00 pm, at the South Seas Ballroom F in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Individual tickets ($150) are still available.
When you attend or donate to Stand Up for Homecare, you are helping to maintain the campaign that promotes a positive image of the HME industry and raises public awareness of homecare’s many benefits. Monies raised support consumer advocacy groups like United Spinal Association, ITEM Coalition, the National Council on Independent Living, and Paralyzed Veterans of America – organizations that represent many of the patient groups that the HME industry serves, and are also strong allies on legislative and regulatory priorities. The funds also help sustain media efforts which have placed articles inside the DC beltway and across the nation, reaching over seven million people in 2016 alone.
“Stand up for Homecare is an event that brings together so many committed and knowledgeable industry supporters that you can’t help but leave the event feeling positive about industry progress and its future,” encourages Maura Toole, director of Field Marketing and Home Healthcare Solutions for Philips Healthcare (Booth #805 at Medtrade Spring).
Will you Stand Up for Homecare? You can purchase tickets for this reception online. Stand Up for Homecare is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28, 5:30 -7:00 pm, at the Mandalay Bay South Seas Ballroom F.
Whether you’re an AAHomecare member or not, AAHomecare officials hope you will consider making Stand Up for Homecare part of your Medtrade Spring experience—also stop by the AAHomecare booth (#1123) on the show floor. Individual tickets are just $150. Visit aahomecare.org/standup for more information or download and print the registration form. You can also purchase tickets online here.