WATERLOO, IA – VGM & Associates has released the first playbook of the year, “VGM Playbook: Forecasting 2023.” “As we begin the new year, the DMEPOS industry is set up for success,” says Krista McNurlen, senior vice president, Marketing, VGM & Associates. “The need for our services and products we provide our customers will continue to remain strong in 2023, and this playbook aims to help us understand where we as an industry can evolve and truly prosper to best serve our customers.”
This publication contains insight from industry experts on the overall forecasting of 2023, including:
- trends;
- opportunities;
- challenges;
- the state of DMEPOS;
- marketplace disruption;
- cash injections;
- additional revenue streams;
- outsourcing;
- and updates on reimbursement, legislation, compliance, technology, data, security, workforce trends, and more.
VGM Members can download their copy at vgm.com/playbook or by logging in to the VGM members-only portal and downloading it from the Playbook tab.