Please contact your Representative’s office in the House and ask that your Member of Congress sign onto the letter. If you would like assistance getting contact information for your legislator’s Health Legislative Assistant, contact Gordon Barnes at [email protected]. You can also send an email via our Action Center here, and we hope you’ll share the action.aahomecare.org link with your colleagues and friends.
The deadline for the sign-on letter is Sept. 26, so please contact your legislators as soon as possible. Please note: this effort is only aimed at House members – do not contact your Senators about the letter.
AAHomecare Works with MNCHA to Bolster DC Medicaid Rates
WASHINGTON, DC – Earlier this year, AAHomecare joined the Maryland-National Capitol Area Homecare Association (MNCHA) in meeting with the District of Columbia Health Care Finance Office to advocate for sustainable reimbursement rates for DC HME providers. Thanks to the persistent follow-up by MNCHA leadership, DCHF has announced that competitive-bid items would be reimbursed at 100% of bid rates beginning on October 1, 2017. These items were previously being reimbursed at 80% of the schedule.