GOOSE CREEK, SC – Tempus fugit is Latin for “time flies,” and it is apropos since it’s been decades now since Medtrade Spring and Medtrade were established. I can still recall the first attempt to develop what we call today “the Medtrade show.”
These shows rapidly developed into major meeting and exposition gatherings for our industry. So much is accomplished every year, because so many friends in our industry are able to gather together and share experiences with one another. These meetings, both chance and planned, cannot be underestimated.
The major benefits of Medtrade Spring and Medtrade are that they provide the perfect place to meet and greet customers, friends, and vendors. These opportunities to get out of the office also benefit as a beneficial change from the daily routine.
My wife Thelma and I (pictured, upper left) have always looked forward to attending, and we wish we could be with you now. The next show is Medtrade Spring, and it is only two months away. To be exact, Medtrade Spring goes from Feb 27-March 1 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.
I encourage you to to visit all the exhibitors if you can. They are there to mee with their current clients and meet new ones. I am sorry that Thelma and I will not be present in person, but we are there in spirit. God Bless you all.
Shelly Prial is a long-time HME advocate and Medtrade Ambassador. Shelly cultivated his considerable tenacity as a child in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn in the late 1930s, making his way around the streets of New York on a bicycle as a delivery boy for his dad’s drug store. After serving in WW II, the 20-year-old Prial went back to school, eventually earning his Bachelor of Science degree and becoming a Registered Pharmacist in 1950.