LOVELAND, CO – It sure seemed like 2022 was something like “back to normal” after the extraordinary pandemic and all its attendant physical and mental miseries. Through the narrow lens of Medtrade, it’s good news because we believe in the value of face-to-face interaction; And yes, we are biased.
After all those Zoom calls, it was fair to ask: are in-person trade shows overrated? Do we need to meet people in person? After asking the question at Medtrade West and Medtrade East in 2022 (the last year of the two-show format), the answer is we don’t need to meet in person, but we want to.
I’m not sure exactly who said it, but one attendee told me: “Phone calls are great for starting a business relationship, but Medtrade is where the relationship is solidified.” How many times have you heard, “I’ve spoken to you five times on the phone, but it’s so great to meet you in person!”
We can see photos on the Internet, but talking to manufacturer reps and putting hands on actual home medical equipment still has value. Ultimately, the knowledge and networking at Medtrade sustains and even inspires, and it’s difficult to get inspired on Zoom.
Check out Jeff Baird’s column (Dec. 26 issue) and you may become inspired by the stark numbers. There are approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every single day. They are not getting any younger (neither am I) and they will need what you have to sell and/or provide. The numbers are on our side and Medtrade is the best place to find new ways to capitalize on that opportunity.
In 2023, we’ll be back in the business of inspiration with one show instead of two. The change is dictated by the wishes of exhibitors and attendees who justifiably want more bang for their buck. With that in mind, we hope to see you March 28-30, 2023 in Dallas for what is shaping up to be a new era for a venerable show.
Greg Thompson is editor of Medtrade Monday. If you have an idea for something we should cover in 2023, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]